全球十大赌钱软件app 59th 年度会议,列克星敦,肯塔基州


法兰克福, KY - The Kentucky Forest Industries Association (全球十大赌钱软件app) recently completed a very successful Annual Meeting in Lexington, 4月2日至4日在肯塔基大使馆套房, 2024.  The meeting had record breaking attendance of over 400 people and 40 exhibitors.  The 全球十大赌钱软件app Annual Meeting serves as the premier event for the hardwood industry in Kentucky. 

会议于4月2日星期二开始. Smith Memorial Golf Scramble where 75 participants signed up to play and despite some weather issues most everyone got some interesting golf play in at beautiful Houston Oaks Golf Course, 巴黎, KY.  In the afternoon the 全球十大赌钱软件app Board of Directors took care of association business followed by a Welcome Reception with the exhibitors that was held in the evening. 

周三上午,全球十大赌钱软件app主席乔治·克劳福德说, Merrick Hardwood Lumber welcomed everyone to Lexington Kentucky.  全球十大赌钱软件app Executive Director Bob Bauer followed with a state legislative and association update followed by Dana Lee Cole with the Hardwood Federation discussing federal issues in Washington DC over the past year from government funded projects to the upcoming Presidential election which could bring major changes. There is a lot of excitement being generated by the Real American Hardwood Promotion as it begins to make a true impact on improving hardwood markets.  丹迈耶, 《全球十大赌钱软件排行》对不断变化的市场进行了更新, current trends and what the future may hold for the wood products industry.   迈克尔·雪, American Hardwood Export Council discussed export markets and initiatives to increase hardwood market share all over the world and updated the group on major concerns with the new European Union standards that could have a major impact on export markets.

The opening session was followed by the Kentucky Tree Farm Awards Luncheon with Commissioner Gordon Slone from the Kentucky Department of Natural Resources, complimenting the industry for the impact on Kentucky economics and the partnership with the state agency. The luncheon also provided an opportunity to honor individuals that help to make forestry and the wood industry a big success throughout the state.  The following people were recognized for their contributions to forestry and the association in Kentucky:

    丹尼·伯内特,伯内特伐木公司, 雷诺兹站,肯塔基州- 2023年度记录器
    沃尔特·Rybka 莫尔黑德,肯塔基州- 2023年度树农
    Harry Pelle, Tallow Creek Farm, Bradfordsville, KY - National Outstanding Tree Farm North Central Region
    杰弗里·F. 刘易斯,独立木板公司, 莫尔黑德,肯塔基州- 2023年度督察
    丹•阿拉德东塔纸业有限公司. 有限责任公司. 霍斯维尔,肯塔基州- 2023年全球十大赌钱软件app年度成员

全球十大赌钱软件app also recognized the following people for their leadership and service to the 全球十大赌钱软件app Board of Directors:

            即将卸任的总统 ——乔治·克劳福德,麦里克硬木木材公司伯恩赛德,肯塔基州       
            〇即将卸任的副总统 汤姆·迪菲利波,H & 木材, 克莱城,肯塔基州
            即将离任的董事会成员- Scott Anderson, East Anderson Hardwoods, Eubank,肯塔基州   

            新当选总统 - 汤姆·迪菲利波,H & S木材公司., 克莱城,肯塔基州
            新当选的副总统 Charles " Chuck " Courtney, Courtney木材采伐公司格林维尔,肯塔基州

            新当选董事:   博比·阿特金森,鹰木材公司. 有限责任公司., 肯塔基州格林斯堡  

像往常一样,大家都很喜欢罗宾逊木材公司. / Houchens Insurance Group Hospitality with great fellowship and networking opportunities with fresh seafood and cocktails.  The day ended with the Exhibitor Reception which included plenty of time to see some of the latest technology and services being offered to the wood industry.   

Thursday morning opened with newly elected 全球十大赌钱软件app President Tom DeFilippo, 欢迎并感谢各位成功的会议.  Other speakers included the Kentucky Distillers Association discussing future demand for white oak barrels and representatives from the Kentucky Children’s Hospital thanking the wood industry for Log a Load donations to fund the new Mobile Clinic and many other programs at the hospital.  Attendees also had the privilege to tour the Mobile Clinic during the meeting and were provided with an inspirational presentation from a 9-year-old cardiac patient of the hospital who gave an uplifting talk about her treatment.  The final presenter discussed the Kentucky Forestry Works Program progress in getting this program into the schools to educate young people about employment opportunities related to wood products and address a major labor issue facing the industry.

The meeting was a tremendous success with many positive comments and showed a real excitement for the future of the wood industry.  Those in attendance gained valuable information while having time to network with others in the hardwood industry from throughout the country.  全球十大赌钱软件app is pleased to announce that the 2025 Annual Meeting will be in Lexington, 4月1-3日在希尔顿酒店举行, 2025. 

全球十大赌钱软件app is a trade association dedicated to serving and promoting the forest products industry of Kentucky.  成立于1965年, it has over 950 members in the areas of primary and secondary wood industry, 供应商和服务行业, 批发, 伐木工人, 和地主. For more information about the association contact Bob Bauer at 502/695-3979.




Membership and Sponsorship is the heartbeat of any association and your participation is especially appreciated.

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